Images I shot for The Holiday Market with AGMES Jewelry
I just put the kids to bed; it wasn't the easiest bedtime, but also not the hardest. I would usually feel completely drained at this point of the night regardless of the behavior of my small and unruly children, but instead, I was buzzing with energy, about to burst. I had an idea for a shoot that had been percolating for a week or so, and I had to get it out. I decided to set up quickly for the morning, take a few test shots, and then commence my nightly wind down (it’s a process); two hours later, I finished the shoot and was sitting at my computer editing (something that I adamantly avoid after work) and definitely not winding down. Unsurprisingly, I did not sleep well that night, but I had a series of shots that I was very excited about.
“Sometimes our ideas come through bolts of lightning. Other times only through effort, experiment, and craft”,
- Rick Rubin, The Creative Act
Creativity is a fickle thing; I am so full of it at times that I feel I might burst, and at others, it is nowhere to be found. I am currently experiencing the former; let's call it a state of creative overabundance. It is uncomfortable. There is a fallacy that being immersed in this state feels good. Maybe for some people, that is the case, but for me, it feels a whole lot like anxiety.
When I am in a state of creative overabundance, it can feel like I am under attack, being bombarded with ideas (that are not always good or relevant to my goals). It can be hard to sleep, be present with my family, and have good business judgment. In short, my body is in fight-or-flight mode. I am excited, but with a manic kind of excitement that makes it hard to think clearly.
On the other end of the spectrum is a state of creative deficit. In this state, I am uninspired, unmotivated, and not excited about much of anything. It feels a little like depression. I have an easier time with a creative lull (probably due to my years of experience with depression). I have learned to carry on creating when I am in a creative deficit. Once I get going, I can usually create something good and, at times, great.
Connecting with my creativity does not mean being in a constant state of creative overabundance or slogging through a creative deficit. It is about finding balance. It is about learning to quiet my mind when in a state of overabundance and learning to find inspiration in a state of deficit. My creative output isn't always "good" when I am in the former state, and it isn't always "bad" when I am in the latter. In fact, the value of the output isn't tied at all to the state I was in when I created it. Therefore, the "best" state for me is one where I feel good, and that is somewhere in between. Connecting with my creativity is finding that state of creative balance. When I find balance, I have abundant ( not overabundant) creative energy and the clarity to follow worthwhile ideas. I enjoy myself and have fun with the process. Because creativity should be fun, it's not that serious.
Now for some tools I have for moving into a state of creative balance - what I call "connecting with my creativity"
“To live as an artist is a way of being in the world. A way of perceiving. A practice of paying attention. Refining our sensitivity to tune in to more subtle notes. Looking for what draws us in and what pushes us away. Noticing what feeling tones arise and where they lead”
- Rick Rubin, The Creative Act
Don't fight it - Sit with the uncomfortable feelings; just be.
Know when to ride the wave. Sometimes, you just have to act on your impulses, even if it's late at night and you are exhausted.
Write or create a mood board - Getting the thoughts out can relieve some of the crushing weight of creative overabundance.
Move - dispel some of that energy. Take a walk, work out, or jump around a bit.
Avoid trying to numb the anxious feeling associated with this state.
Avoid scrolling on social media - Related to the above, this might temporarily relieve some of the anxious feelings, but when you eventually pull yourself out of that hole, they will rush back and be more jumbled than before.
If you meditate, this is a great time to practice - if you don't, it might not be the best time to start.
“Discipline is not a lack of freedom, it is a harmonious relationship with time”
- Rick Rubin, the Creative Act
Carry on - For me, this is the most important. Just going through the motions often pulls me out of a creative deficit.
Lean into your team or creative community. Ask someone else to lead a creative project and see where it goes.
Give yourself time - time to play and to experiment.
Write or create a mood board (yes, the same as above)—in a deficit, this helps to spark ideas and inspiration.
Read - fiction or nonfiction, it doesn't matter, it will help.
Get out into the world — have a new experience, go for a hike, look at art, do something that scares you, or spend time with friends and family. Sometimes, the best way to change your creative output is to change your input.
I am still learning about my creativity and hope to always be. Wow, it feels good to get all of this out; I already feel myself moving into that state of creative balance. I am also reading this back with amusement - this story would look a lot different if I was writing it in a state of creative deficit. Maybe I’ll have to try that next.
I would love to hear from you - how do you find your state of creative balance?
5 little things that help me connect with my creativity:
And now for some LES news…
Come visit us this weekend in Soho at our Holiday Market